How Does Interactive Video Fit Into Your Marketing Strategy?

After all these reasons to use interactive video, we think adding it to your marketing strategy is already in your plans, right?
You already have a glimpse of the relevance of Content Marketing itself.
It’s not just for your marketing strategy, but also because of how it has united various areas of the business in the common goal of achieving key organizational goals.
Content is an essential and indispensable element in building a brand and in communicating with the consumer, both to attract relevant prospects and to increase the engagement and experience of the target audience.
In a report shared by Forbes in 2022, videos were already considered the most effective way to reach people.
As we mentioned when we talked about the benefits, this tool adds a lot to how that message gets out.
Interactive content has definitely come to innovate and stay. Refusing to include it in your strategy could be a bad choice, considering market trends and all the advantages above.
To help you with this decision and its implementation, we have highlighted a few points that show how interactive video can easily integrate into the marketing actions you already use.
Don’t miss!


You already have an SEO strategy and you’re probably keeping up to date with new best practices.
So you know that relevant interaction video content improves your page rankings and, therefore, increases traffic.

Social media

For some time, videos have also stood out among the various post formats appearing on the major social media platforms.
No wonder, today there are many more spaces and options for them, whether to watch or share, with integrations between the main platforms: YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp.


Over the past two years, gamification has taken more and more space in the marketing world, and many people have already taken advantage of this strategy.
And interactive video fits like a glove in this tactic!
Still in marketing plans, notoriety has a real ally in interactive video.
Not only because audiences tend to see great value in companies that embrace innovation, but also because of the simple fact that interacting with the brand – or with a video from a specific brand – will certainly increase the chances that we remember in a timely manner.
How to design interactive video marketing?
Now that you know why interaction video marketing is worth it, the next step is to learn how to create your content.
Check out the best tips on how to plan and execute an interactive video marketing strategy for your brand below.

Use interaction appropriately

People won’t engage with your interactive video if their choices aren’t considered. Don’t rush your introduction to interactive video marketing by making it interactive just for fun. It will not work.
Instead, you should design it as an experiment. Put yourself in your target audience’s shoes and appeal to their needs and motivations. Take the time to plan the interactive elements of your video and their importance.

Integrate it into your strategy

Interactive video is a great way to improve your results, such as conversion or engagement rate. Think about your campaign goals and find ways to use this medium to bring your brand closer to them.
For example, interactive video allows you to add multiple calls to action to direct your audience to different offers through effective customer communication. Use this feature to increase your conversions by directing the right people to the right products or services.
Provide good entertainment
Let’s not forget that you can strongly engage your audience through entertainment. Interactive video can be more engaging if it has this effect on people.
For this reason, part of your planning step should be to make sure your content is entertaining.
This could apply to several different strategies. One way to do this is to provide footage from a concert that allows the viewer to change angles and get closer to the stage.
Another approach would be to create an interactive story with multiple viewpoints.

What do interactive videos look like?

As promised, here are some examples of interaction video to inspire you. Check them out below!
Bob Dylan — Like a Rolling Stone Interactive Music Video
o launch a new Bob Dylan box set, Sony Music, alongside Cinema8, decided to promote one of his greatest hits with an interactive video.
The success of the video was such that it went viral. In just one day, the content has already accumulated over 1 million views.
Another highlight of this production was the team’s ability to include a “guide” when running the video, which was helpful as it allowed everyone to understand how it worked and so to actually interact with the film.
Disney — Jungle Book Interactive Video
At the launch of its new film, a live-action production, Disney – alongside Cinema8, the company that developed the video – gave fans the opportunity to see first-hand how this kind of filming is done.
This action reinforces one of the advantages we discussed for using interactive videos: they allow all available resources to simplify a concept that may seem a little more complex.
After all, Disney video has made it much easier to understand and see how live-action movies are produced, right?

Interactive video from Cinema8 Investors

In this video, we can see how interactive content aligns with other aspects of a marketing strategy, such as gamification, which is extremely present in this production.
In the Cinema8 video, the production was developed to meet a request from the Human Resources team.
It is aimed at an audience of Generation Y professionals, given the recruitment difficulties encountered by the company at that time.
Considering all the information in this article, from the definition of interactive video, to the benefits of its use, to the possibilities it brings in the marketing strategy of the company, we believe that there is still a lot to explore with regard to this technique. After all, there are many formats it allows.
There are several other formats of interactive content besides videos. If you want to learn more about this strategy, download our free interactive content guide!

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