Root Canal Therapy. All you need to know!

We all are devastated at the mere mention of Root Canal Therapy! Immediately our mind takes us to the perils of pain and hefty treatment cost. But how many of us actually have an idea of what exactly is root canal therapy?

This blog post will provide you with all the necessary information you need to know about root canal treatment.

What is root canal therapy?

Root canal therapy is a treatment for the pulp of the tooth. This procedure is also known as endodontics or dental endo. The purpose of this treatment is to save the tooth from extraction and provide pain relief. Although there are many misconceptions about what a root canal entails, it actually consists mainly of cleaning out the infected tissue inside your teeth and filling with a special material that will seal off any potential entry points for bacteria. It’s an effective way to reduce your risk for further infection and restore comfort quickly without needing surgery or anesthesia. For an effective root canal treatment you can easily get in contact with any nearby dentist by simply searching for “best dentist near me” or “dentist near me”.

When is it needed?

The crown of your teeth can remain intact even when the pulp inside your gum is not there. Replacement of infected pulp is the best way to conserve your teeth structure.

Following are the common causes of infected or damaged pulp:

  • Deep rooted decay due to untreated cavity
  • Several dental procedures on a single tooth
  • Cracked or chipped tooth
  • Injured tooth

The ordinary symptoms of damaged or infected pulp include severe or mild pain in your tooth, swelling and heat sensation in your gums. Confirmation of an infected tooth can be taken with the consultation of a dentist.

How painful is it?

Fear of pain after a root canal treatment is understandable and is very common. However, the entire procedure is painless, if operated by an expert dentist or endodontist.

Technically, pain is caused due to the infection in the pulp and not from the procedure. The dentist minimises the pain by numbing the tooth with an anesthetic or other medication. Tenderness in the tooth is common after the treatment. Though, it is usually temporary and can be relieved with a normal pain medication. Your dentist may also prescribe an antibiotic in order to prevent any kind of infection.

Risks involved

A root canal therapy is carried out in the spirit of treating/saving your tooth. However, if the damage or infection is too deep or your gum structure is too frail to resist the procedure, it can lead to loss of the tooth.

Another type of post-procedure complication is developing an abscess at the root if some foreign body or element is left behind or the antibiotics aren’t working properly.

How to prevent tooth decay?

Regardless of advanced technology or medication, no one really wants to go through the procedure of root canal therapy. We have listed the preventive measures to protect your tooth from infection, tooth decay or gum disease.

  • Use fluoride rich toothpaste
  • Brushing twice a day
  • Using a toothbrush which suits your teeth type and replacing it regularly
  • Regular dental checkups
  • Flossing helps in the preventing the buildup of plaque
  • Avoid hard foods, especially after your root canal treatment
  • Reduce consumption of sugar rich foods

Root canal therapy is a complicated procedure but it can be eased out with the consultation of best dental surgeons. You can also download SeekMed app and seek a second opinion on all your dental problems.

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