The Impact of Wearable Devices on Clinical Trials

Wearable devices are becoming more and more prevalent in our lives. From fitness trackers, to smart watches, to hearing aids that can stream music, wearable technology has quickly become a part of our daily routines. However, if you’re like me and aren’t exactly sure how all these new devices fit into the world of clinical trials—let alone what they do—you’re not alone! In this post, we’ll take a look at how wearables impact clinical trials and why it’s important for us all to understand how they work.

Wearable Technology

Wearable technology is a type of technology that is worn by the user. Wearable devices can be as simple as a watch or bracelet, or they may be more complex and include sensors and computers that collect data about your body’s activity levels, heart rate and other vital signs.

Wearable devices are used in clinical trials for several reasons:

  • They allow researchers to monitor participants more closely than ever before (and in real time). This helps them identify problems early on so they can modify protocols accordingly if needed. It also allows them to collect more accurate data about how well treatments work for different people–a significant benefit over traditional methods like questionnaires or surveys where responses come from self-reported answers rather than objective measurements taken directly from individuals’ bodies over time periods ranging anywhere between one day up until several months depending upon what kind of study you’re conducting!

Why Wearables?

Wearables are a great way to collect data. They can be used to track heart rate, blood pressure and other health metrics. They can also be used to monitor activity levels and sleep patterns.

Wearables have become increasingly popular for clinical research because they are easy to use and cost-effective compared with other methods of collecting data such as questionnaires or interviews which require more time from participants.

Challenges of Wearables in Clinical Trials

  • Data accuracy: Wearables can be used to collect data on patient activity, whether it’s steps walked or heart rate. But this data is only as accurate as the devices that collect it–and there are issues with accuracy when it comes to wearables. For example, some fitness trackers aren’t designed for people who exercise vigorously (like runners) or those who don’t exercise at all (like couch potatoes). These types of inaccuracies could skew results in clinical trials and make them less reliable than they would otherwise be–which means that researchers need to be careful about how they use this information when analyzing their results.*
  • Data collection: Wearable devices also pose challenges for collecting data from patients during clinical trials. For example, a patient may forget their wearable device at home one day during a trial period; another might forget how long he slept last night because his sleep tracker wasn’t working properly; another might not want anyone else using his personal health information without his permission.*

What’s Next?

  • Wearables are here to stay.
  • They will become more accurate and sophisticated over time, especially as the technology improves and becomes more affordable for everyday consumers.
  • Wearables will be used for more than just clinical trials (e.g., sleep apnea screening).
  • Wearable devices have the potential to improve how we conduct clinical trials, whether it’s by helping researchers collect more accurate data about patient health or simply making them easier to implement than traditional methods.

Wearables are an important part of clinical trials.

Wearable devices can be used to collect data about patient health. They’re an important part of clinical trials, and they help doctors and researchers collect information about the effects of new medications on patients. For example, if you’re participating in a clinical trial for a new drug that treats depression, your doctor may want you to wear a device that measures how often you experience symptoms like sadness or fatigue. This way he’ll know whether the medication is working as he expects it to work–or if it isn’t doing anything at all!


In summary, wearables are an important part of clinical trials. They have the potential to improve patient outcomes and provide valuable data for researchers. However, there are still many challenges that need to be overcome before these devices can be used on a large scale in clinical studies google scholer.

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