Tips for Creating Interactive Content On Your Website

Whether it’s a news website, travel blogger, or digital advertising platform, understanding what drives or blocks your website’s readers is a key marketing skill for a successful business. We can all intuitively distinguish the page that reaches us from the unattractive page, but it is not easy to determine the possibility of creating or destroying a good website.

Reader engagement is an important factor in determining how good a website is. Thus, a good website can be roughly defined as a website that arouses the interest of the reader. And of course, it’s important to remember that the main reason your customers aren’t attending is because of irrelevant content.

There are several different strategies for increasing engagement rates, but one of the most important is keeping your website content interactive. Interactive content maximizes reader engagement by ensuring that the reader is engaged not only visually but also physically via the keyboard and mouse.

This blog Interactive post introduces seven of your favorite strategies for creating interactive web content.

Request a Quote

Asking your audience for feedback, whether it’s a rating or comment, is a great first step towards ease of use. Many sites have done this already, but some methods are more effective than others.

Regular popups asking for a rating can easily be annoying and can confuse a user on your site. To keep the rating question from bothering you, you can try placing it at the end of your content rather than in a popup. You can also use emoticons instead of the usual 5-star rating. Emoticons have become a standard part of our everyday digital language, so users find them more interesting than annoying.

Create incentives with gamification and rewards

Gamification is the incorporation of game elements such as points and levels into a non-game context. By gamifying articles and blog Interactive posts, users can interact with the site, giving them an incentive to interact. In addition to creating custom comments by triggering actions, you can also encourage users to leave comments by providing rewards. When users receive points or coupons to comment on articles, they will read more and comment.

Since Leaderboards have proven to be effective in games, they’re also a handy tool for your website. Focusing on the best commentators and Interactive posting ratings that rank the best paying users is an effective way of allowing users to interact with your website on a regular basis. It is also helpful to give the user an icon to get the status of a specific commentator. This is the same as motivating users to reach higher levels in the game. TripAdvisor is a great example of a site that makes good use of themed badges, including passport badges to browse places in different countries and explorer badges to browse attractions and places first. Share with users.

Add quizzes, voices and stories

In addition to gamification of the site itself, you can embed interactive forms of entertainment created by third-party platforms.

The inclusion of personality quizzes that have gained immense popularity on BuzzFeed and other sites is a great way to attract readers. If you are using WordPress, there are many plugins you can use to create themed quizzes and add them to your websites. WP Pro Quiz is one of the most popular simple style quiz plugins that offers many customization options.

Apester is another handy platform that allows for visual narration as well as quizzes and polls. Visual storytelling is an effective addition to your content as it is about storytelling in a way that requires user engagement. Embedding a visual storytelling on your site encourages readers to connect with your article on a personal level as they scroll and click on your story.

Encourage your readers to review

When it comes to encouraging viewer comments, it is often not enough to just open the comment section. Instead, you should use creative CTAs to encourage users to comment. These range from instructing the reader to answer a question asked at the end of an Interactive post to asking the reader to add them to a numbered list of Interactive posts.

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