What is the difference between Java and Javascript?

Many users mistakenly believe that Java and java-script are the same languages or that they are different names for the same language. Anyhow, the user says that java-script and the java programming language are not the same things, and that java-script has nothing to do with the java programming language. The popularity of the java programming language, which was at its zenith at the time, was the primary motivation for naming the scripting language JavaScript. It was introduced as JavaScript to capitalize on the popularity of the term “java” in the Java computer language.

In this essay, I’ll go through some of the significant distinctions between Java and JavaScript, mostly from the standpoint of a coder. I also recommend enrolling in the top JavaScript online courses from Udemy, Coursera, and Pluralsight if you want to learn Modern JavaScript or improve your abilities. It’s one of the greatest courses for learning ES 6 and other new Javascript features because it’s hands-on.

Difference between Java and JavaScript

Here is my list of important programming language differences between JavaScript and Java. I worked on both of them, mostly using Java for all server-side development, Android, and JavaScript for client-side scripting such as validation, interactivity, animation, and ajax calls.

1. Static vs Dynamic

The other significant distinction between JavaScript and Java is that JavaScript is a dynamic language, whereas Java is a static type. This means that variables are created with type at compile time and can only accept values that are allowed for that type; on the other hand, variables are formed with the var keyword in JavaScript and can accept a variety of values, such as Strings, numerics, and booleans, among others.

When the == operator is used to compare two variables or values, JavaScript applies type coercion. It also has the === operator, which performs a strict equality check and also checks for type. More information about the differences between the == and == operators in JavaScript can be found here.

2. Execution Environment

The first distinction between Java and JavaScript is that Java is a compiled + interpreted language, meaning that Java code is first compiled into class files containing byte code before being executed by the JVM. JavaScript code, on the other hand, is directly executed by the browser. Another distinction is that Java is executed inside a JVM and requires JDK or JRE to run, but JavaScript is performed inside the browser and is supported by practically every modern browser.

3. Support of Closures

Closures are supported by JavaScript in the form of anonymous functions. Simply said, a function can be passed as an argument to another function. Methods aren’t considered first-class citizens in Java, therefore the only option to imitate closure is to use anonymous classes. By the way, Java 8 introduced actual closure support in the form of lambda expressions, which has greatly simplified things. In Java 8, it’s quite simple to develop expressive code that isn’t cluttered.

4. Right Once Run Anywhere

Java employs byte code to ensure platform independence, and JavaScript runs directly in the browser. However, JavaScript code is vulnerable to browser compatibility issues, thus code that works in Mozilla Firefox may not function in Internet Explorer 7 or 8. This is due to JavaScript’s browser-based implementation. Until jQuery came along, this was a terrible situation.

It’s a JavaScript package that alleviates browser compatibility difficulties for web developers. This is why I prefer to write code with jQuery rather than plain old JavaScript, even if it’s just retrieving DOM items using the getElementById() or getElementByName() methods.

4. Oops Concept

Although JavaScript supports classes and objects, it is more of an object-oriented scripting language. The code of large enterprise applications is significantly easier to arrange. Using JAR, WAR, and EAR files, you can group relevant classes together for improved deployment control.

5. Constructors

Constructors in Java have certain unique qualities, such as constructor chaining and ensuring that the superclass constructor runs before the subclass constructor; however, constructors in JavaScript are just another function. In JavaScript, constructors have no specific constraints, such as having no return type or having the same name as the class.

6. NullPointerException

Because JavaScript is a dynamically typed language, it is far more forgiving than Java. There are no NullPointerExceptions in JavaScript, and your variables can accept a variety of values.

7. Applicability

Last but not least, JavaScript has its own niche in Web development, coexisting with HTML and CSS, while Java is ubiquitous. Despite the fact that both have a large number of free source libraries to get started, jQuery has pushed JavaScript to the forefront, Also Read: nxtero.com


That concludes the distinction between Java and JavaScript. As I previously stated, they are two completely distinct languages: one is a general-purpose programming language, and the other is an HTML scripting language. Even though JavaScript allows you to accomplish a lot of cool things, it lacks features like multithreading when compared to Java.
By the way, JavaScript was initially termed as Livescrpit, possibly because it makes your HTML pages come alive, and the programming world would be much better off without it.

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